世界華人福音運動(簡稱「華福運動」)始於1974年,聖靈感動七十多位華人教會領袖於「洛桑世界福音會議」領受「華人教會,天下一心;廣傳福音,直到主臨」的異象。1976年,第一屆「世界華人福音會議」於香港舉行,隨後陸續於新加坡(1981)、臺北(1986)、馬尼拉(1991)、香港(1996)、吉隆坡(2001)、澳門(2006),以及峇里(2011)舉行每五年一次的會議;下屆會議已定於2016年在臺北舉行。在各會議之間,世界華人福音事工聯絡中心 (簡稱「華福中心」)負責執行各項議案,推動華人教會同心投身普世宣教。詳情請參華福中心網頁 CCCOWE stands for Chinese Coordination Centre of World Evangelism, and it is an acronym for a movement as well as a centre. CCCOWE is an evangelistic movement born in 1974 from a shared vision of Chinese church leaders: "Chinese Churches in One Accord, Proclaiming the Gospel until Christ's Return." In 1976, the 1st Chinese Congress on World Evangelization was convened in Hong Kong; thereafter in Singapore (1981), Taipei (1986), Manila (1991), Hong Kong (1996), Kuala Lumpur (2001), Macao (2006), Bali (2011), and the upcoming one will take place in Taipei in 2016. CCCOWE the centre has been serving the movement and facilitating pertinent ministries to mobilize Chinese churches to spread the gospel to nations all over the world. For further details, please visit CCCOWE Home Page.